dinsdag 11 december 2007

Humor en ethiek: Dialogic Ethics and the Virtue of Humor


Basu, Sammy, "Dialogic Ethics and the Virtue of Humor", Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (1999) 4, p. 378-403

Informatief extract:

“Humor warrants inclusion in any robust conception of liberal-democratic dialogic ethics. It occupies a middle ground between the ideal-speech Habermas recommends for dialogue on the one hand and the dissembling taciturnity Shklar attributes to the liberal polity on the other. Humor functions by exposing an incongruity and reconciling it at a different level of awareness. As such, it places a mischievous fluidity at the core of virtuous subjectivity, which cognitively, dispositionally and politically facilitates the dialogic relationships vital to liberal-democracy. Incorporating humor into what might be dubbed an 'ironic speech situation,' also, more specifically, alleviates the problems of legitimation, motivation and language attributable to Habermas.” (abstract)

Creatieve commentaar:

Ik heb het volledige artikel nog niet gevonden, maar het abstract maakt me wel nieuwsgierig. Zou Habermas zelf iets gezegd hebben over het belang van humor binnen de ethiek van het dialogeren? Humor lijkt me onontbeerlijk voor elke vorm van dialoog, voor elke inter-subjectieve relatie.

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